Miss SA

I have had a few people tell me that I am lucky to be working on Miss South Africa production.

I have worked hard over the years to make a name for myself, long hours, sleepless nights and do not even talk about the stress related to being a freelancer. I have practiced continuously, did online course/webinar, free shoots……… you name it and I have probably done it.

Like many others the lockdown affected me like crazy with no income and creating debt to pay the bills, I send out my CV to Veaudry hairsalon as I have 16 years experience as a hairstylist. Thank goodness there was a position available for me in the salon. When we were ask to work with Miss SA it was a no brainer for me as I do love the glitz and glam from pageantry.

Working with these wonderful woman made my heart happy but one thing that social media does not show are the meetings held to discuss everything, the early mornings to create a look for the perfect shot and the long hours to make sure everything is just right.

So to answer your question, yes I am fortunate to work with these amazing companies but it did not happen over night. Work hard and be kind because you never know who is watching.

Love and Light


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